Tag Archives: BDSM

mosley spanks news of the world! film at 11!

Yep . . . again with the blurries.

File under “the National Evil, keeping you updated on the goings-on in the seamy underworld of hardcore S&M sex orgy-related lawsuits” . . .

Remember this post from last week? Well, Mr. Mosley has won his privacy case against the nefarious News of the World (of Red-Hot Depravity) to the tune of $120,000 in damages—which, sadly, is only half as many pounds. Ye Gods!—Evil remembers people joking that “If you take a thousand bucks to Mexico, you can live like a king!” Soon that’ll be the case with our former British overlords. For shame.

Back to orgy news. From CNN:

[T]he main point out of the decision was that public figures’ sex lives were out of bounds unless a hypocritical element could be proved. For example, a politician who was campaigning on a moral platform while violating those morals in his private life.

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sweet perversity 1, wankers 0. huzzah!

I’ve heard of sex with furries. But blurries . . . ?

Here’s a good one from Time concerning Max Mosley, the head of Formula One racing. Last March a video emerged online of him engaged in a spirited round of S&M with five ladies, none of whom happened to be his wife. The tabloid News of the World dubbed it “a depraved Nazi-style orgy in a torture dungeon.” (What is a “Nazi-style” orgy, exactly? This is one area of German history the Evil never encountered. Mosley denies the Nazi connotations. You can watch the video here and judge for yourself.)

Anyway, the meat of this very amusing article is that this Mosley chap isn’t apologizing for his bondage party, hasn’t gone into hiding—no. Quite the opposite. Says Time:

The British multi-millionaire and Formula One boss insists there’s no shame in a little hanky-spanky, and he has sued the tabloid News of the World for suggesting otherwise.

Continue reading sweet perversity 1, wankers 0. huzzah!